本帖最后由 xiaoyu 于 2018-7-20 13:10 编辑
How to Add Hyperlinks and Customize Content in Web Interface 5.x
1. Open The Access Management Console on your Web Interface Server.
2. On the left, highlight the site you wish to customize.
3. Under common tasks, select Customize Web site appearance.
4. Click Content and follow the wizard.
5. When you get to the Add Custom Text window, select the areas you would like to customize and click Next.
Pre-logon message
Logon screen text
Application screen text
Messages screen text
Footer text (all screens)
6. Enter your custom text on the screens that follow.
7. If you need to add a hyperlink to an email address, use the following format mailto:example@address.com.
8. Add a unique place holder for any hyperlinks you wish to add.
Something like hyperlinkHere
9. Complete the wizard and click Finish and OK.
10. Make any other customizations you need to the layout and appearance of the site.
11. Open the webinterface.conf file in the conf folder of your site, the default location is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\XenApp\conf
12. Scroll to the bottom and look for your unique place holder, this procedure used “hyperlinkHere”.
13. Replace the place holders with your hyperlink, you need to use html such as <a href=”http://support.citrix.com”>Citrix Support Services</a>.
14. Save and back up your webinterface.conf file.
Your links should now be visible on the appropriate pages of your Web Interface site.