How to Configure Desktop Pass-Through with StoreFront and Receiver- CTX133855
- Created onMar 26, 2014
- Updated onNov 21, 2014
- 35 found this helpful
Article | Topic | : | Authentication, Configuration, Connectivity |
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ObjectiveThis article describes how to integrate pass-through authentication with StoreFront and Windows Receiver. Requirements
InstructionsComplete the following steps to integrate pass-through authentication:Enable the Domain Pass-through authentication method in StoreFront. - On the domain workstation, install CitrixReceiver.exe with the /includeSSON switch from the command line.
Install the icaclient.adm template and configure by using gpedit.msc > Computer Configuration. Right-click Administrative Template > Add/Remove Templates > C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\Configuration\icaclient.adm. Select User Authentication > Local user name and password and enable the following options: Note: Smart card, Kerberos, and Local user name and password policies are inter-dependent. The order of configuration is important. We recommend to first disable unwanted policies and then enable desired one. The result should be validated.After you enable the policies in the icaclient.adm template, run the following command: gpupdate/force Add the StoreFront Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to the Local Intranet zone in Internet Explorer. Restart the workstation. During restart, verify if the ssonsvr.exe process is running in the Task Manager:
Create an account in Citrix Receiver which points to the StoreFront store that has enabled desktop pass-through. For example, https://SF-FQDN/Citrix/Store.
The application subscription list or the Add Apps screen appears. Ensure that the ssonsvr.exe was installed during the command line install by verifying if the following path contains the installed executable:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\ssonsvr.exe - Ensure that the workstation is a part of the trusted domain that the StoreFront server is hosted on.
XML Trusts might be applied on XenApp and/or XenDesktop Servers.
Note: Receiver standard is the only supported version for desktop pass-through to a StoreFront store. Receiver enterprise does not work. If you want to use Receiver Enterprise with StoreFront and Desktop Pass-through, you’ll need to configure the Legacy PNAgent site. Refer to Citrix Documentation - Configure authentication for XenApp Services URLs
Additional ResourcesCTX139319 - How to Configure NetScaler Gateway with StoreFront and App Controller