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Citrix拍错小工具Citrix Supportability Pack.zip









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Citrix Supportability Pack v1.5.0
Created Date: Nov 23, 2015
Updated Date: Oct 27, 2017

Please send any feedback to https://podio.com/webforms/14050283/943878 to help us improve it.

DescriptionThe Supportability Pack is a collection of popular tools (57 in total as of v1.5.0) written by Citrix engineers to help diagnose and troubleshoot XenDesktop/XenApp products. The tools are cataloged by features and components to make it easier to find and use, and the addition of Supportability Pack Updater makes the Pack self-updatable. Early versions of the Pack serves as a launch pad for efforts to raise awareness, improve accessibility, and promote use of internal troubleshooting tools. In subsequent updates of this pack the spotlight will shift to creation of new tools based on prevalent customer scenarios and your feedback.

Note: The tools in this pack are not intended to replace system administration features that XenDesktop/XenApp provides for day-to-day system management. This collection of tools are specialized utilities for advanced troubleshooting in very specific areas.

What's New in v1.5.0
Note: You only need to download Supportability Pack once and use the included Supportability Pack Updater to keep all tools up-to-date.

Revision History
  • v1.2.2
  • v1.2.1
    • Updated the following tools in the Pack to their latest version: Port Check Utility, Receiver Diagnostics Tool, Receiver Cleanup Utility, Scout and UPS Print Driver Certification Tool.

  • v1.2.0

  • All the tools are intended for the Microsoft Windows platform.
  • Specific pre-requisites will vary from tool to tool. The included README contains links to the documentation (CTX article) for each tool where you can learn about tool-specific requirements.
  • You will need Web access to lookup tool-specific Support documentation (CTX article) even though the tools are downloaded and saved in a local folder.

Installing Supportability Pack
1. If you have an older version of Supportability Pack on your system, e.g. v1.1.x, we recommend you completely remove the existing Supportability Pack including all tools and files, before downloading the new v1.2.x version. Since v1.2.x provides a new Updater utility, you can use it to keep all tools up to date in the future.
2. Unzip the Supportability Pack v1.2.x zip package into a local folder of your choice.
3. Open the README.HTML file with any web browser and begin exploring the tools catalog.  
4. Each tool is in its individual folder inside the local directory Tools.
5. The Updater SupportabilityPackUpdater.exe is in the same directory as README.HTML. Use "SupportabilityPackUpdater.exe /help" to get more info about how to use it.

How to Use the Supportability Pack
The Pack can be extracted to local drive, portable drive, USB stick, etc. Once the Pack is extracted please open the README.html in any browser to begin exploring the catalog. You can review the entire set of tools or see a filtered list based on feature or component. All the listed tools are placed into the local folder Tools with its own individual subfolder. The README.html also contains URL links to the Support documentation (CTX article) for each tool where you can learn more about them.
If needed, you can directly access a tool by going into its individual subfolder. However, we don't recommend moving or renaming the tools and related files and folders.  

Security Permissions Required by Supportability Pack
You will need to appropriate privileges to download and unzip the Supportability Pack to a local folder. Please see documentation (CTX article) for each tool for any tool-specific Security permissions.

Data Modified by Supportability Pack
No data is modified when unzipping the Supportability Pack. Once unzipped the Supportability Pack will write a number of HTML documentation files along with a zip files of all the tools in the TOOLS folder. No other system changes are made.

Uninstalling Supportability Pack
The Supportability Pack can be removed by deleting the local folder where it was extracted.  Additional steps may be necessary to uninstall some tools based on their specific requirements.  Please refer to the relevant Support documentation (CTX article) for the specific tool to learn more.

Tools Included
Tools included in Supportability Pack v1.3.0 (54 listed):

Tool Name
Included Since
Citrix OptimizerCTX224676v1.5.0
Citrix Receiver Commandline Helper ToolCTX227370v1.5.0
Citrix Application Experience Troubleshooting ToolCTX222592v1.5.0
Self-Service Password Reset Central Store Creation ToolCTX217143v1.5.0
Connection Quality IndicatorCTX220774v1.4.0
RTOP Capability CheckerCTX222459v1.4.0
Quick Launch Tool V4CTX219718v1.4.0
PXEChecker for PVSCTX217122v1.3.0
UPM Log ParserCTX123005v1.3.0
XenMobile AnalyerXM Websitev1.3.0
LTSR AssistantCTX209577v1.2.2
LOPper - Lync Optimization Pack Log ParserCTX214237v1.2.2
Peripherals Easy Test ToolCTX214040v1.2.2
Secure Mail Test ToolCTX141685v1.2.2
AppDisks Diagnostic ToolCTX208990v1.2.0
Audio Volume Persistence ToolCTX206888v1.2.0
Citrix Health AssistantCTX207624v1.2.0
Database Sizing ToolCTX209080v1.2.0
Foreground Lock Timeout ToolCTX140095v1.2.0
VDA Cleanup UtilityCTX209255v1.2.0
Cpatch ToolCTX105646v1.1
DSCheck Maintenance AssistantCTX137608v1.1
HDX 3D Pro Health Check ToolCTX135593v1.1
HDXMonitor 3.xCTX135817v1.1
IMA HelperCTX133983v1.1
LBDiag - XenApp Load Balancing Diagnostic ToolCTX124446v1.1
License Check UtilityCTX123935v1.1
Policy Reporter - RSOP CtxCseUtil ToolCTX138533v1.1
Port Check UtilityCTX122450v1.1
PortICA Log Enabler V3CTX118837v1.1
Print DetectiveCTX116474v1.1
Printing ToolCTX122962v1.1
Profile Management Configuration Check ToolCTX132805v1.1
Quick LaunchCTX122536v1.1
Receiver Clean-Up UtilityCTX137494v1.1
Receiver Diagnostics ToolCTX141751v1.1
Repair Clipboard ChainCTX106226v1.1
Session Management ToolCTX124949v1.1
Session State Monitor ToolCTX127491v1.1
UPD Finder - CTXUPDINFOCTX141351v1.1
UPS Print Driver Certification ToolCTX142119v1.1
Web Interface TracingCTX136629v1.1
XDDBDiag for XenDesktopCTX128075v1.1
XDPing ToolCTX123278v1.1
XenDesktop Site CheckerCTX133767v1.1

Tools no longer inlcuded in the Supportability Pack (5 tools):

Tool Name
Removed Since
Citrix Diagnostics ToolkitCTX135075v1.3.0
XenDesktop Controller Service Log EnablerCTX127492v1.3.0

Contact Information
Questions?  Concerns?  Send any feedback for this tool to https://podio.com/webforms/14050283/943878.

These software applications are provided to you as is with no representations, warranties or conditions of any kind.  You may use and distribute it at your own risk. CITRIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) the software application may exhibit errors, design flaws or other problems, possibly resulting in loss of data or damage to property; (b) it may not be possible to make the software application fully functional; and (c) Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, cease to make available the current version and/or any future versions of the software application.  In no event should the code be used to support of ultra-hazardous activities, including but not limited to life support or blasting activities.  NEITHER CITRIX NOR ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS WILL BE LIABLE, UNDER BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING FROM USE OF THE SOFTWARE APPLICATION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.  You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any and all claims arising from your use, modification or distribution of the code.


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